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Erin Caldwell

Rainbow after the Storm

Monday, October 20, 2014

Our morning began with breakfast with the staff; a wonderful tradition of sitting down as family and getting to know one another around a delicious meal. Team Leader Phyllis Fisher and Nury introduced each member and the job we would be doing. We finished and made our way to the bus.

The drive up the mountainside was rerouted due to road construction and Marco Tulio, our driver, handled the bus with the greatest of ease. We finally reached the village to find people anxiously awaiting our arrival.

The community, Piedra de Afilar, was founded in 1945. Currently 145 families live in this community, and all of the houses have latrines outside their homes. The community has access to water from a fountain at a distance of 14 kilometers away.

The school’s enrollment is 129 students. 70% of the children suffer from malnutrition and there is 60% incidence of pregnancy in teenagers.

Efforts are being made to get electricity to the community, as this is one of the improvements that they need the most. The agriculture products of the community are coffee, corn, and beans.

In the afternoon a big storm popped up and the rain absolutely poured. We thought the rain would spoil our afternoon but the Lord reminded us of His Promise in the form of a double rainbow. We were so high on the mountain that we were eye level with its arch.

Once the rain cleared, we started to pack up our things and load the bus. Even though the rain lasted at least 30 minutes, we were able to see everyone who came for the clinic. The grateful people waved their goodbyes and we headed home.

When we arrived at Barnabas House, dinner was ready and the team sat down for a wonderfully prepared meal. Today is Davita’s birthday; we celebrated by singing in both English and Spanish.

We all shared our rose/thorn of the day and adjourned for some personal time before bed. Our first day in the community was a success and we are already anticipating what tomorrow will hold for us as we work and serve with the beautiful people of Honduras.

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