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Sunday Service

Erin Caldwell

Sunday, November 7, 2022

We started our day by attending Sunday service at the church next door. The sermon was dedicated to thanking the Friends of Barnabas for sharing the blessings of the use of water. Carlos was the interpreter for the team during the service. In gratitude the church will share their space with the Friends of Barnabas for educational purposes.

After lunch at Alfredo's House, medications and wellness bags were assembled for the week. An in-service was given, by Fernando, to the team members on clinic flow and the use of the EMRs. The medical team members were given more directions on documentation.

The busy day ended with dinner at a local restaurant. Communion and the blessing of hands were completed by Tim with Shirley assisting.

Thank you,

Jessica and Yolanda

Team Dinwiddie

Shirley Woodlief - Team Leader

Pam Witt

Dr. Nareesa Mohammed-Rajput

Liz Laidlaw

Dale Field

Yolanda Baksh-Mohammed

Jessica Earhart

Matthew Comer

Elvin Floyd

Carlos Munoz

Tim Beck

Alex Comer

Evelyn Eley

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