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Be The Change Team is in Honduras!

Erin Caldwell

May 14 & 15, 2022

We arrived at Alfredo House after an uneventful flight and a tasty snack at Power Chicken. We ate a delicious meal prepared by the talented Karen and Albita. After a long day of travel, we hit the hay early, most asleep before 9.

We woke early to the various birds singing good morning to us, and another delicious meal was gobbled quickly. Fernando expertly drove all of us to the Pulhapanzah park where some of us took part in some adventurous zip lining. The lunch pupusas hit the spot before the work began. A birthday was celebrated for Amy Beckwith with a tasty chocolate flan. We efficiently and expertly packed up 250+ wellness bags for the week then relaxed with some yoga. The scavenger hunt was fun and educational learning about all the different plants and fruit grown at Barnabas House. It was also silly and had us singing about bananas and demonstrating our kung fu skills. Sunset dinner was eaten at the lakeside restaurant, Cabanas Agua Azul, and it was fantastic. We ended the weekend with a blood moon and lunar eclipse. Looking forward to serving all the communities this week!

Lisa Sandy

Marcey Kellogg

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