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Warm Hearts & New Friendships

Wednesday, February 12th 2020

We had another wonderful day today, with our trip to San Antonio de Yure, Taulabe. It was yet another milestone day for the dental clinic, as today was the first day that sealants were provided to patients in the history of our dental care. We were able to provide a total of 120 sealants with our new technology, and look forward to providing many more. So many of the people that were seen in the clinic today touched our hearts in such special ways. We were particularly impacted by not one, but two families that were brought to the clinic by the father of each family. We learned that both of the families had lost their mothers, and we were inspired by the care and dedication of these fathers who had faced adversity yet continued to take excellent care of their children and took the time to have their children seen at the clinic. As we shared stories from our day, we found that several of our staff related experiences with two or three of the same children that were seen by several of the providers. One child in particular was named Emerson, who gave bear hugs out for free and had an unbeatable disposition. These children provided us with laughter and fun, and were delightful to care for and interact with. Another common theme at our evening discussion was the amazing Honduran staff here at Friends of Barnabas. These individuals are truly remarkable, and their dedication and enthusiasm is contagious. Our translators are invaluable, and provide far more assistance than just language translation. Quite frankly, we would love to bring them all home with us! Our coordinators, drivers, and assistants, not to mention amazing cooks, have not only made our experiences wonderful, but have also become our fast friends. What a blessing to interact with children and families in our villages, and spend our days with our new friends that we work alongside!

~Maggie McCauley

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