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Sus Manos Team Getting Ready for Clinics

Erin Caldwell

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The team was in high spirits our first Sunday here at the Barnabas House. We worked in harmony to prepare baggies of medicines for patients to be seen in village clinics.

With great teamwork and assembly-line proficiency, the 14 volunteers emptied thousands of bottles of medicines into tubs and repackaged them into individual baggies each containing a 6 months’ supply of vitamins for each child and 6 months’ supply of vitamins for their mothers.

As hands flew from bin to baggies, stories flowed back and forth between veteran mission workers of the many heartbreaking and heartwarming experiences in previous years. And concerns were expressed that so many needs are left unmet even though Friends of Barnabas provides so much.

Because Barnabas House is also an Extended Care Facility where some mothers and fathers stay with their child post-operative or between out of town appointments, Sus Manos teams emptied 300 lbs of rice and 400 lbs of black beans into tubs and then into quart bags. Each parent leaving Barnabas House with their child takes home a quart bag each of rice and beans.

But wait! There’s more!!

According to their need and while supplies last, mothers and children leave the mountain clinics with 1 or 2 cloth diapers (donated by friends at home) as well as little sundresses for girls and shorts for boys which were sewn by various church groups.

Barnabas House has the distinction, among all the missions doing work in Honduras, of being selected as having the premier business model. The Honduran government is now using FOBF as an example to establish national policy and procedures for all mission groups wanting to provide health care and services to families. We all feel so blessed to be working with such a loving, competent and dedicated mission group.

After a quiet dinner and reflective devotional time, we each were given an Agape Cross by our team co-leader Charles Hunt, with the instructions to give it away to the person this week who touches your heart and soul in a profound way, be it child patient or team member or house staff. He said we would know the right moment.

It the spirit of being Gods Hands this week, Charles guided us in a blessing of the hands as we paired up and anointed each other’s hands with oil, in preparation for the weeks work , doing God’s work.

Our gratitude to each of you who have partnered with our team members for this mission.

God’s Best Blessings to each of you.

~Bunny Eilers

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