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Rockbridge's Last Day of Clinics

Erin Caldwell

Journal 6

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Day six, the last day of clinic, brought the team to the community of La Union which was founded in 1980. We again were immediately greeted by the people of the community as soon as we arrived with smiles and appreciation. The team saw 211 patients in the General Clinic. 76 patients were seen at the deworming station, 26 at the fluoride station, 182 at the Vitamins station, 44 at the eye clinic and 35 at dental. There were 43 extractions and 15 referrals.

Today was a little more challenging due to the overall high temperatures and humidity in the area, but the team pulled through. Cindy, one of the clinic nurses, saw a 47 year old female with two children who had an elevated blood sugar of 406 and a thyroid goiter. Cindy ended up doing a lot of one on one teaching regarding her diabetic medications and diet and then referred her for treatment of her goiter.

Jessica another one of the clinic nurses saw a 9 month old who weighed about 13 pounds. In addition she had a fever and rash which the mother said had been present for about 3 days. This little girl was adorable. She wore a beautiful dress and had big brown eyes and she was so very tiny. Jessica discussed with the mother that there was a concern regarded the child’s weight for her age. She was prescribed vitamins and treated for her fever. She was then referred for her underlying undernourishment.

In each community children were given stickers at the different treatment stations. The kid faces would light up to see that they were being given something so simple. They would walk around showing them off to their friends. Bubbles were blown and children would giggle and run to pop them. One of the FOB team members Olivia would play tag with the children and they would scream and laugh with excitement.

Grandparents, Mothers, and Fathers would greet you with handshakes and immediate verbalization of thanks. They would open up about their pains, illnesses, and struggles and as team members we would do our very best with what we had to give. This place gets in your blood, your soul, your heart, and your mind. The people of Honduras will never leave you…even if you have to leave them. Until next time.

God Bless the team members of FOB and God Bless the people of Honduras.


General Clinic: 1110

Vitamins: 886

Deworming: 429

Fluoride: 205

Eye Clinic: 223

Dental: 163

Extractions: 189

Referrals: 66

E.C.P: 11

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