Greetings once again from Mountain Medical Team 10-15!!
Members of the team have been praying that our clinics won’t be interrupted by rain and so far our prayers have been answered. We travelled to Terrerito, Santa Cruz de Yojoa today where it was very hot and humid. The team was short one member today as Joanne was feeling under the weather and stayed back at Alfredo’s House. However, she is feeling much better this evening. We really missed her today!!!
In the General clinic today 277 were seen with Deworming 225, Vitamin A 45, Fluoride 79, Dental 34 with 56 extractions, and Vision 52. What a day, Team!!!
Several of the team members gave their crosses away today. Linda Moore gave her cross to an 80 year old great-grandmother that had her great-grandson with her. Linda stated, “The love between these two really touched my heart.”
Linda Rachner gave her cross to a young mother of 8 year old twin boys. She had a number of problems but her only concern was for her boys. Robin Clifton gave her cross to a 32 year old man who had lost his right leg. This gentleman came to the clinic walking with a home-made crutch. Cookie Sinclair gave her cross to a 5 year girl who had her baby teeth removed and showed such bravery.
During lunch break, Dr. Will Zimmer entertained the children of the village with music. The children really enjoyed it. Also during lunch, the team and staff celebrated Dr. Arita’s birthday which was last Thursday. The cooks at the Alfredo House baked a delicious cake which we all enjoyed.