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Headed Home

Erin Caldwell


Today was the team’s day to rest and take in some of the other scenery in this beautiful country. Our ride to Pelicanos at the beach was long but it gave everyone an opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep. Our visit to this restaurant right on the Caribbean Sea allowed us to enjoy the local seafood cuisine. It also was a time for the team to wind down and share some of the stories and events that occurred during the week.

God has given us an amazing world to live in and sometimes it takes a trip like this to see and appreciate his bounty. The cities present quite a different picture of Honduras than the areas that the mountain medical teams serve. There are fast food restaurants with names that we would see in any city in the United States. Large grocery and hardware stores, trucks everywhere loaded with the goods and produce of Honduras.

Leaving is a bittersweet thing. Every person on the team from the youngest to the oldest knows and remarked that the work is not finished. It is hard to leave the people and the work that we see here but it is also time to look forward to seeing our physical and church families. If you have not had a presentation at your church from someone who has been on a mountain medical team you should ask for one. See the pictures and hear from a heart that has been touched by these wonderful, kind, and appreciative people.

We have sent these journals to share with you the experiences of the Laurel Hill MMT. We appreciate your generous support of FBOF so that this and other teams can come to Honduras to serve.

This will be the last journal for the team since tomorrow we will be sitting in airports most of the day. I know that sounds exciting but it really isn't.

Thank you again.

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