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Continuing Education

Erin Caldwell

This morning at Ruth Paz Hospital in San Pedro Sula, approximately sixty Honduran medical professionals gathered for an all-day class, Choque y Transporte de oxigeno en Cuidado Critico Pediatrico, taught by Dr. Ricardo A. Mack Rivas, a pediatric cardiac intensivist from Guatemala. Dr. Mack has come to Honduras as a member of the Little Hearts Project team.

The topic of the class was early recognition of shock in pediatric patients and will be of benefit to those who work in operating rooms and emergency rooms as well as first responders.

After lunch, attendees had the opportunity to demonstrate what they had learned in simulated scenarios led by LHP team members.

Friends of Barnabas staff Dra. Maria Moncada, Pascuala Martinez and Dalila Navarro attended the class.

The class was taught in Spanish. The attendees were an enthusiastic group that asked great questions and actively participated in the discussions. Certificates of continuing education were presented at the end of the day.

Kudos to Peggy Kipps at Ruth Paz for her ingenuity in building a display board for the presentation!

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