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Safely Back at Barnabas House

Erin Caldwell

Monday, September 29, 2014

All of our surgical patients have now returned to the Barnabas House. It is so exciting to see that all surgeries have been successful and that our patients are slowly on the mend. Loyda (who was determined not to have her picture taken), Genesis Nicole and Axel made the long, tiring trip from the hospital. Genesis continues to love to dance. Axel gives that big toothless grin. Loyda needs that encouragement that all teenagers need.

In a few days, our first patients will be having their post-op check-up and get the “okay” to go to their own homes. These are the days when we are overcome with amazement at what God continues to do. He uses us, despite our faults. He heals us, when we think nothing can be done and we have no hope of healing. He provides a way.

Please continue to pray for these children, their families, those who will continue to care and monitor the healing of these little hearts. Words could never express our gratitude for all that has been done.

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