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Day of Rest

Erin Caldwell

Today was our day of rest. Since the team did a majority of the pill counting and organizing yesterday we were able to relax a little today. This morning we traveled to Pulhapanzak, a local waterfall. After several of our team members conquered the zip line over the falls, we had a very special devotion.

Pastor Brad led our devotion and shared communion with us. During the service he spoke about the four actions of communion: take, bless, break, and give. At the Last Supper, Jesus took bread and wine; he blessed it, broke the bread, and gave it to his disciples. God is doing the same thing in us this week. He took us from our homes and blessed us through our families and community support. The next part is hard. We need to be willing to be broken this week, in order to be able to fully give ourselves in service. This resounded in me. We spend so much effort trying to act strong and in control, that we rarely think of being broken as an option. Please pray that we allow ourselves to be broken, and let God be in control.

After the falls, we returned to the Alfredo House, had lunch, and finished counting pills for this week.

Our second tour of the day was Lake Yojoa. We had a boat ride around the lake and heard some of the history. For dinner tonight we went to a local restaurant, the D and D. We are slowly winding down to be ready to serve our first village tomorrow.

¡Buenas Noches!

Mallory Williams

for the Harrisonburg 2014 Team

Jack Garber

Stan Holland

Gary Lucas

Brad McMullen

Bill Mohan

Don Mundy

Karen Purcell

Phil Quagliariello

Paul Quillen

Rhonda Rexrode

Samuel Rexrode

Lisa Stark

Ben Williams

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